Polyurethane Concrete Slab Lifting

The best way to lift sunken and settled slabs.

Commercial slabs endure significant weight loads, necessitating level surfaces for safety and structural integrity. However, when concrete slabs sink and settle, they develop cracks that pose safety hazards and compromise the building's integrity. It's imperative to address signs of settlement promptly on your commercial property.

Uneven or unlevel floors in commercial settings pose dangers and inconveniences. The sinking and settling of commercial floor slabs result from various factors, including poor soil compaction, improper installation, or the sheer weight of the structure. As these slabs settle, they pull away from building walls, creating gaps undermining structural stability. Additionally, settling slabs generate tripping hazards, potentially exposing property owners to liability. Polyurethane concrete lifting emerges as the optimal choice for a swift, efficient, and cost-effective solution to restore commercial slab floors and prevent further damage.

Polyurethane concrete levelling offers a straightforward method to lift and level commercial slab floors. Specially formulated polyurethane foam is adept at lifting and supporting large concrete slabs, making it ideal for commercial use. The rapid curing time of our polyurethane foam ensures minimal service interruptions. Moreover, our environmentally friendly foam contains no toxic chemicals and comprises up to 40% recycled materials. Polyurethane concrete lifting represents a durable and superior alternative to traditional methods like mudjacking, effectively preventing further damage to commercial slab floors.

For long-lasting and reliable restoration of sunken and settled commercial slab floors, trust Levicon Concrete Solutions. Contact us today to safeguard the safety and integrity of your commercial property.

Commercial Concrete Levelling & Lifting
Commercial Concrete Levelling & Lifting

Why do commercial floor slabs settle?

Commercial slab floors may sink and settle due to various factors, including poor soil compaction, improper installation, or the structure's weight.

Inadequate soil compaction stands out as a primary culprit behind settling. Before installing commercial floor slabs, it's crucial to ensure proper compaction of the ground underneath. This facilitates drainage away from the foundation, preventing soil erosion beneath the slab. Insufficient soil compaction can increase pressure from the structure's weight, hastening, sinking, and settling, leading to slab cracking.

Sinking and settling represent natural processes as a building's foundation adjusts to its surroundings over time. Factors such as temperature fluctuations and moisture levels prompt soil shifts, exacerbating settling. Due to their larger size, commercial buildings often experience more pronounced settling than residential properties, resulting in faster deterioration owing to their expansive footprint.

Improper installation of commercial floor slabs exacerbates settling issues. Inadequate reinforcement or insufficient inclusion of expansion joints during pouring can lead to cracks and other structural problems over time. Bulging walls and sticking doors due to uneven floors are common consequences of improper installation.

Regardless of the cause, Levicon Concrete Solutions can swiftly and efficiently restore sinking and settling commercial floor slabs to their original level. Contact us today to ensure the safety and integrity of your commercial property.

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