Make your municipal infrastructure safer.
Ensuring the safety and functionality of municipal infrastructure is a top priority for municipalities. However, over time, concrete slabs used in roads, highways, sidewalks, and other public areas can settle and sink, posing hazards to residents. Factors such as heavy traffic, freeze/thaw cycles, and soil erosion contribute to this issue, creating uneven surfaces that are unsafe for driving or walking. Prompt action is crucial to address sunken and settled concrete slabs and maintain the integrity of public spaces. For municipalities seeking an effective solution, polyurethane concrete lifting offers the ideal fix.
Polyurethane concrete lifting provides municipalities with a fast and efficient method to address concrete settlement issues. This environmentally friendly process, utilizing foam made from recycled materials and devoid of harmful chemicals, ensures minimal impact on the environment. Its strength and durability make it suitable for various municipal applications, including sidewalks, walkways, parks, and roads. Capable of supporting heavy loads, polyurethane foam provides a long-lasting solution to sunken and settled concrete slabs, enhancing the safety and usability of public areas. With smaller jobs often completed in just one day, municipalities can swiftly restore functionality to affected areas and mitigate safety risks.
For municipalities grappling with sunken or settled concrete slabs, Levicon Concrete Solutions is here to help. Our expertise in polyurethane concrete lifting ensures efficient and lasting repairs, making public spaces safe and accessible for residents. Contact us today to reclaim the safety of your municipality's infrastructure.